How Many Languages Fit in One City?

5th Diyarbakır Comparative Literature Days

Anadolu Kültür participated in the 5th Diyarbakır Comparative Literature Days, organised by Wêjegeh Amed and Lîs Publications around the theme of Transforming City, Transforming Literature, with a panel titled ‘Between Languages and Cities’. The panel, held on 23 November 2024, brought together Çiğdem Öztürk and Pınar Öğünç with literature lovers in Diyarbakır. ‘Discussing the impossibility of understanding the history of a city through a single language, Çiğdem Öztürk focused on the ongoing struggle, solidarity and coexistence between the languages of the city. In her speech titled ‘Excavation and Literature’, Pınar Öğünç posed a question to the audience: How can the city built by demolishing, crushing and grinding become the mortar of literature?