Diyarbakır, Eskişehir, Adana

Connect for ImpAct

Connect for ImpAct project arose from the need for multidimensional, collective, and cross-sectoral efforts in fighting against discrimination to strengthen social reconciliation and peace.

At a time when hate speech, discriminatory expressions, policies, and practices fueled by a polarizing political environment are on the rise in Turkey and many parts of the world, the need for the transformative power of culture and arts and for local collaborations is increasing every day.

Based on these needs, the project aims to create a space where local government units, rights-based NGOs, and culture and arts institutions operating in Eskişehir, Adana, Diyarbakır, and surrounding provinces can produce together and support each other with the experiences they have accumulated and the methods they have developed in the field of combating discrimination. The project will be implemented from July to December 2024.

The project will develop cooperation models and local networks to enhance the impact of local actors in the fight against discrimination. Steps will be taken to develop sustainable collaborations among the participating institutions through capacity building programs, mentoring, networking, experience sharing, and cross-sectoral work.

Supported by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, the project aims to increase social impact in the field of fighting against discrimination through work that promotes diversity, inclusivity, and equal access.


Intersectional Perspective: To enable organizations focusing on different rights areas to share their expertise with each other and to develop a repertoire of intersectional perspectives and creative forms of action for social impact.

Cross-Sectoral Thinking: For rights-based NGOs, culture and arts organizations, and relevant municipal units to expand their perspectives and impact capacities by recognizing each other's strategies, policy priorities, approaches, and resources.

Regional Networks: To increase the contact and cooperation of participating organizations at local and regional levels on issues such as fighting against discrimination, accessibility, equality, and inclusivity, and to develop viable methods for the sustainability of these networks.

Toolkit and Method Pool: To create a toolkit and method pool focused on fighting against discrimination, enhancing inclusivity, accessibility, and diversity.

Collaboration and Action: For participating institutions to develop areas of action for collaboration by carrying out small-scale implementation examples in their regions.