Statement on the upholding of the decisions in Gezi Trial by the Court of Cassation
Neither our reason nor conscience can accept that for Osman Kavala, the founder and Chairman of the Administrative Board of Anadolu Kültür, after six years of unjust detention, the Court of Cassation upheld the life imprisonment sentence and he will henceforth be kept under the harshest prison conditions in place in Turkey. We are also deeply shaken by the Court of Cassation’s decision to uphold the 18-year prison sentences given to Mine Özerden, a former member of Anadolu Kültür’s Administrative Board, Çiğdem Mater, one of our consultants, and Tayfun Kahraman and Can Atalay from Taksim Solidarity.
The reversal of the sentences given to Yiğit Ali Ekmekçi and Ali Hakan Altınay, former members of the Administrative Board of Anadolu Kültür, and Mücellâ Yapıcı from Taksim Solidarity is the only pleasing development in the latest judgment. We will not stop demanding justice for all Gezi prisoners until the courts base their verdicts on the principles of law and value human life.
The reversal of the sentences given to Yiğit Ali Ekmekçi and Ali Hakan Altınay, former members of the Administrative Board of Anadolu Kültür, and Mücellâ Yapıcı from Taksim Solidarity is the only pleasing development in the latest judgment. We will not stop demanding justice for all Gezi prisoners until the courts base their verdicts on the principles of law and value human life.